We support farmers who want to farm more carefully and companies that care about the environment.
Is it you?The whole world is talking about an excess of CO₂ in the atmosphere. On the other hand, carbon is missing in the soil. At the same time, it is necessary for the formation of humus. Without organic humus, the soil loses its fertility, which is caught up with chemical fertilizers. Regenerative agriculture keeps carbon in the soil, reduces the share of CO₂ in the atmosphere and contributes to carbon neutrality.
PrinciplesOur vision is a carbon negative society. That's why we are carbon negative = Carboneg. We motivate farmers to switch to regenerative farming. We can measure how much harmful CO₂ has been removed from the atmosphere as a result. For every tonne of CO₂ removed, we pay farmers a reward. This is financed by companies that want to be carbon neutral as soon as possible but are unable to achieve this with current technology.
• We can advise you on how to get started with regenerative agriculture.
•You will receive a reward per hectare/year according to the results.
• You will increase fertility, support biodiversity and improve water retention
• You'll get a new way to contribute to carbon neutrality.
• You will support the care of the European landscape and the efforts of European farmers.
• You will help produce better quality crops without unnecessary chemicals.
Email: carboneg@carboneg.com
tel.: +420 253 253 283